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Username:ozzy59, 65 years
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Online status:Online, since 6 mins. ago
I play mostly:Power Yatzy - played 59701 times
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55 mins. ago
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Winner against kaye12
Tour winner against kaye12
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Loser against Vicky_
Winner against Vicky_
Winner against manco2019
Loser against 5blinddice
Loser against kiddcat
Loser against simale
Tour loser against simale
Winner against Dmb90

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1 day ago
Painted Yatzy

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Power Yatzy33716 / 250722042
Painted Yatzy22825 / 17131611
Triple Yatzy4602 / 19312832

Profile for ozzy59


Hello Ozzy How you been???
Hi ozzy how are you?
How are you?
Hey ozzzzzzzyyyyy!!!
Hi how are you?
hi , im back
I%u2019m good I%u2019m doing a 2000 piece puzzle right now!
Merry Christmas Jamie!
merry xmas jamie <3
Ozzzzzzzzy my friend what%u2019s up?
I miss you!!!
Thank you Ozzy Love you!
Hi Ozzy! I%u2019m doing great! Life has been treating me well! I hope you are doing well! We recently moved in a lake house! I%u2019m living like a princess! Love you ozzy! Hope to hear back from you!
Hey Sexy How are you..xxxxx
soooo glad to see th X has finally been removed hun lol
Hey ozzy how are you
OPPS Diidnt mean to post that many comments sorry lol
Hey Ozzzzzzzzy you doing okay!
Hey my Ozzy ,,,You are so crazy .. miss ya
hey how you been??
Ozzyyyyyyyy..miss talkin to you on here hun..thank god for FB lol
OZZZZZZZZY?? where have you been???? I miss your funny face lol
Merry Christmas my old friend Hope you have a great holiday ((hugs & a smooch ))
Hey Ozzy!

Yes I used to be r3d_Lobster! LOL Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!! xx
:) Hi she is sweet :)
Hey ozzy this is Leanna from along time ago how are you doing? I'm an Aunt to 2 beauitful girls Brooklynn Pagie is 2 and Bristol Grace is 1. It won't let me play a game because I'm on an iPad. But we can chat here hope you are doing well I'm doing great.
:DDDDDDDDDD.......wah wah.........:))
thanks for the complement:)
Get your ass back no fun here without you :( Miss you
xoxoxox Tina
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday ... Hope you have fun at the nickleback concert :) xoxox Tina
Thx for the add hun xx
Enjoyed the game tonight been a lone time . hope there is more to come. Happy Birthday Katrina hope this day finds you with happness and love :)
Are you the one in the hockey jersey and baseball cap? Do you have hair under there? Can I look? LOL ^..^
Hi Ozzy. Just showing you some love on your guestbook. I like your pics and your profile. family is everything. you are one lucky man. thanks for playing with me. I'm happy to call you a new friend.
Mr. Osbourne!
Very nice pictures of your family... *hug*
she is soooo beautiful little angel girl! My prayers for her. Hope she is gonna get well real soon. Love is with her.

I knoiw, right? lol Kelsea didnt have hair until she was like 3! One of these days she'll get hair & it will be beautiful like Kels :)
awwwwwwwwwwww shes beautiful.....looks like u
hi ozzy! thank you for showing me around the site and playing ptd yahtzee with me. You are the doll!
You are by far the sweetest person I have encounterd online :) Thank you so much for the warnings ;) Stay sweet with your handsome self :D xoxoxox <3 Lea
loll noo she's not i don't share worms :) xoxox
Thank you very much!! And they are MOST DEFINITELY cowboy fans....the little girls bedroom is done in that lol....you dont like the cowboys?? :)
beautiful daughters ozzy, cant wait to play, mych xo's! Shay
Hey you! Lets see if I can get this right and only send one message! Hope you having a fabalous day! :)
I am doing just fabalous dahhhhhling ty for asking! hoope you are doing just as fine!!
Ozzy My Darlin' there is your woman getting you your beer from the fridge and then she gonna cook ya an amazing meal. Love you forever my dearest Angel !!!!!
awww look at lil rosco driving ...lol you need 1 of chico lol but don't think he will reach haha...xoxox
good lookin kids
lmao ozzy... maybe thats who i am??? hmmmm hugs ozzy
happy new year ozzy don't ever change luv ya you goof :)
Happy New Year!!!!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe & Happy New year... hope 2011 brings you all the best.... Hope santa brings Bella everything she asked for :) .. xoxox Tina
Awww bet she had fun and enjoyed it...Would love to see some pics of her dancing... lol she could teach you a few moves ...xoxox Tina
***TAG*** I just tagged you (1) Where ever you may be...Happy Holidays to you and your family from mine! Thanks for being a part of my life and being such an awesome friend I hope we have many more years to come (1) xoxoxo
awww thanx for the GB entry hun...omg your grandbaby is precious and luv the name..thats my younger granddaighters name also...you are a proud grandpa and should be...you make me laugh and i'm glad to be your friend..even though i'm a die hard CWBOYS fan lol
I hope Bella has a nice day sat and enjoys all her gifts ... but the best gift willl be spending it with her Grandapa... What better gift then that ..... Happy Birthday Bella !!!! The living doll , lil shirly temple... Wish you all the best hun .. xoxoxox Tina
Good luck in WC go kick ass. !!!!!!!! xoxox Tina
Oh and btw nice boat ...WOOT WOOTTTTTTT xoxoxo
Gorgeous family you got there Oz! (:
hi there sexy just checking in i see you left me a few messages sorry i havent been on have had some major personal issues going on no worries check ur email tomorrow iam enclosing my cell number case i never catch up with you xoxo Kassandra
I'm off in 4 days going to miss you... not sure when i'll be back ..I't will be after Oct 23 or in Nov.... Have fun with bella the Living Doll ,Such a Cutie .. Luv ya always xoxoxox Tina
Hope bella had fun ... lol would love to see her grandpa in a Tootoo ... maybe she can give you lessons...xoxox Tina
Happy to hear you had a nice weekend with Bella.... Bet she missed you and had just as much fun ... She's getting soooo big ...lil Shirley Temple what a doll ....xoxox Tina
Hahaha don't have to move they just need better players :P ...lmao to funny about your cookies and james bond :)... Awwwww look at cute lil Bella .... btw looks like Cavs Jersery you have on there :P xoxoxox
That was your lobster !!!!! how dare you eat him after he made you money....But Good you won $200 haha you shoulda kept him longer might of won some more, buttt noooooooooooo you had to eat him :P
congradtulations to Raven & Katrina.... Sure you're very proud of both, and will miss Raven very much...xoxox Tina
awwwww look at bella doing the hula hoop....1 thing missing tho..lol you doing the hula hoop...luv to see that.. bet she can beat you lol ....lov n hugssssssss
lol lebron can go anytime...lmao dont need any cookies with this milk lmao you know that :)luv ya
Happy Birthday Sweetie !!! Hope you have a Wonderful day... No one deserves it more then you.Hope this day finds you with Love & Laughter from Family & Friends..Wishing you all the best .Luv Ya always...Tina
Great pics hun,and thanks for the games.
xxx tweety
Welcome back ...Happy Belated Fathers day ....Miss those pics of bella and girls ....luv ya always... :)
Omg look at my lil Shirly Temple and those beauitful eyes..And those Geourgous daughters you have....So much you have to be proud of......luv ya always ...Tina
beautiful girls you have -- i can still beat you in games lol or not lol hugs ozz
awwww, sweet Bella.... Ozzy that is 3 beautiful girls
wooohooooo thats my ozzy....Never backing down for nothing you didnt do..thats why we all luv ya...me esp ..xoxoxox Tina
its funny how i have pic my grand daughter in my gallery but it doesnt get approved as my profile pic.and im given no reason why its rejected hmmmmmmmmm i smell an ozzy conspericy . 4 months xed for no reason and no answer when the x is off no matter how many times i ask the admin all the while being a paid member . tg i can still smile n laugh haha
How dare they not approve the pic of beautiful bella...my lil shirely temple ...what a cutie...how can you not love that face....just like her grandpas .......much luv always .... xoxox Tina
Wishing you & your Family a very Happy Easter......Stay away from the beer bunny lol...xoxox Tina
love the pic of shirley temple ..and your daughters .... miss you alot...your always here for me no matter what...love ya for that ..In my heart always ...Tina
Still xed .....so not fair when you did nothing wrong .....but you keep being you thats who we alll love ...luv ya sweetie... luv you always ..xoxoxo
Nice profile update! Is that your daughter? I hope I am not embarrassing myself and revealing that I don't know which celebrity it is if it isn't your daughter. Hope all is well with you Ozzy. I miss you, but I know you are keepin it real. xoxox
ha ty ozzy.. ur a good guy.. May God bless you always. Muahs
Ozzy you know where to find me when you want me... Until your un xed i wont be back unless its for you.. I Miss the laughter and the fun.. here for you always luv ya always...Tina
yes u r older but im better looking and ur neck is pink so ur almost redneck...i just paid my fine yesterday so that was funny that u said that about the game warden...lol.....miss u my pink neck friend....luv ya xoxoxoxo
hey there ozzy --I think I figured out how to play yamb a little better now -- come get your butt whippin anytime lol
what the heck is trina kabina?...lol....u r so crazy but always older then me :)...luv and miss ya oz....xoxoxoxo
give it a few months mate and i'll be taking u for paternaty test,, we'll soon find out if the baby is ur or not. so this will make it baby 130?? take care ozzy!!
wtg canada on hockey gold wd syd crosby and co
im 38...one thing about it though ill always be younger then u...luv ya xoxoxox....
WTG Canada on the Gold !!!!!!!!!!! Great game it was a nail bitter for sure.2-1 Canada then overtime that was a shock for sure.... 2 -2 then Canda goes for the winnnnn..... luv yaaaaa ozzy go Canadaaaaaaaaa
WTG Canada on the win for the gold!!!!!!!! I know your happy ozzy ....It was a great game.....luv yaaaaaaaa
Ozzy when ya comin back....lol no one to joke with...lol no one here tht gets my jokes. I'm stuck with my mom lol you know how tht is ...Julia
hey did i give u that pic of me ha kk tc xoxo mISS UUUUUUUUUUU
Woohooo go Cavs...Lebron makes 24 stright points first half....47 points total...11 stright wins for the Cavs....Cavs 113 Knicks 106...Gotta luv Cleve...luv ya ....xoxoxox
Jamie.... sweety... i miiss you....kisses
Ozzy im here for you always no matter what ....you been there for me same here...no lies no jokes but a true friend .....luv ya always ....xoxoxox Tina
Ok Ozzy it's been 4 days not funny get your butt back plz i miss you......Come take my shades i'll share...luv ya xoxoxox
im outta here take care all
Ozzy you know i luv ya you cant leave me.....plz you have to stay (10)
hola ozzy how are u. just stoppin by to say hi
Lol ozzy go brownssssssssss 3 in a row how you like that.....lol but you know you luv the peeps in Cleveland...... Go Canada in hockey .... 4th Building to come......Luv ya rippppppppppp

uilding to come

ozzy babe thank you for wonderful year. I hope it's another wonderful year. Thank you so much for always being there for me. You know I'm always here for you. I Love You babe
I'm wishing you alll the best to come for 2010.... You have been a great friend that i hold dear to my heart no matter what ....you have been ther for me through thick and thin and i luv you for that...i just hope others see it as well ... forever in my heart rip xoxoxoxox

hope you had a great christmas hun!! HAPPY NEW YEAR LUV
Happy New Year ozzy.....you wanna be redneck hope 2010 is a great year for ya...luv ya...xoxoxoxox
awwww tyvm hun:) Happy New Year 2u2 hun:0) no lmao i got that lamp at a store hun....mom loves that movie...so just had to get it lol !! t/c hun xoxoxoxo
Hope your having a wonderful Christmas playing with Bella. Love you ;)
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. keep it safe.
Whats even more impossible than slamming a revolving door is having a bad Christmas so have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!! :P -Julia
Wishing you and your Family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...I hope 2010 brings you all the love and happness you deserve.......xoxox luv ya
Hey ozzy, I hope u have a wonderful Christmas. Have fun playing with Bella....;) love ya
sorry i dont like the lakers or kobe
stay out of trouble ozzy
Hey Ozzy Im tryin to talk to u!!!!!!! LOL
OZZY!!!!!!!!!! Long time no see!!!!! Huggies
woohoo cavs won preseason game saturday and browns won sunday first and last game lmaooooo....GO CAVS xoxoxox
love lit love it....roll pass my house here in spokane, wa...you look lilke you love fun.......weeeeeeeeee
love the pics tc tweety
weeeeeeeeee lmao come on the back of my bike ill show you a ride......lol dont worry i wont kill ya ....just fast n easy lol
cant help it i lovessssssssss ya hunni??????? my man get er doneeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! love the pics share some more? the little one is a cutie pie. tc ozzzy hunni.xxxxxxxxx.......ann
Ozzy hey trickks here. Your web page is sooooo cool. See you in the games. Later Trickks
well well there all sweet, Im just glad you smart azz is back, it was a little dull around here with out you. and the TRAINS will ride again !!!!! CHOOOOO CHOOOOOO I love to be aboard !!! xoxoxoxox to my favorite smart AZZZZZZ xoxoxoxoxox
Welcome back !!!!! now dont go leaving again its to boring here without you......... plus i missed you lol....yeah yeah i know your seats for ac/dc where better then mine lol but i stilll had a blast....xoxoxox
I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day, give Daisy love for me......Luv You......muuuuuaaaaaa
I Hope you have a wonderful Fathers Day.....Luv ya xoxoxox Angela :)
Ozzy it was fun playing games with you tonight. Stay sweet! You are a true all around good guy!
congrates to you and her.
Congratulations to Katrina !! I know your very proud of her.....Missed you....tty soon...luv ya xoxoxox
Congrats to Katrina <3 Love the pic.
How did daddy do? Hope you had a good time! *hugs*
Hey Sweetie, just stopping in to say Hey! Grab me when you see me on, let's play! Hugs, Me :)
hi ozzy nice pic of alice love him to death hope to play a game wit you soon by the way beautiful kids tc hun cashlee xxxx
I miss you when your not on...Thanks for the laughs...Cute kids and grandkid...xoxoxoxo Angela
Strange first meeting !!!!!! but you welcomed me in thank you........Maybe one day you'll let me beat you in ptd....And alsooooo you also HOT !!!!!! xoxoxox Angela
hi Ozzy..... nice gallery, and comments they only thing I have to add is GO PENQUINS!!!!!! I'm about 30 miles from Pitts so you know where my loyalities lie. great to know and play you and thanks for helping me learn yamb, and getting addicted!! GL in your games
so pretty u are ozzy.hummmmmmmm
Hey oz, I told you I would sign it. Love Ya
Hey Ozzy, Thanks for all the fun games and for letting me win one once in awhile. You are a fun and FORGIVING person. You know.... The time I put my big fat foot in my mouth. So sorry. It's nice to have met you! Bethykay
Wow she sure does look like me i must have a twin...hahahahaha
Hey oz! Thanks for always kicking my ass at almost every dang game we play. WAIT NOW- I did win one, remember? Thanks for always being the other "rebel" in this small world we call Bandit! You are my Clyde, and I'm your Bonnie on here! Love ya hon!
Hi Ozzzzzzzzzzy,
Hope im doing this right havn't done it before.....thanks for the game always enjoy playing with ya *-*
oooooozzzzzzyyyyyyy hey hunnies how u be? LOL ...see i talk to ya ...LOL hope your doing well and ooooops i need to add ya as a friend i think eek...keep being your sly self lol ...heyyyy thats my line wth im the fox...haha
Happy Easter, you! Hope you had some good food and enjoyed your babies and your trip! <3
lol i know..your GrandDaughter looks a little like you,But alot more prettier lol j/k :) keep spoiling her cause one day she will be grown before you can blink. :) your friend Red.
Yep. I havent been watching the training or anything, but from what I gather my Sox arent doing very good so far. We'll see! <3
hey did you get that blizzard april 1st... 2009 there or not as yet... but was curious about peoples names and found yours and figured well might as well check who been talking during games playing somedays... good luck with your 3 daughters... my oldest was into that gothic scene but now 16 and making me young grandmother at 35 years.. take care and see you later.
hey ozzy long time no talk! your grandbaby is getting really big and even more adorable! wheres my number 23? haha,,we are taking it allllll the way this year baby!! dont be a stranger now,im here!
hey sexy ......... isabella so cuteeeeeeee getting big like my anthony is........... love ya ........... xxxxx ooo moody
Your a true sweetheart :) I'd take your pulse anytime ;)
Touch my heart and you will feel.. Listen to my heart and you will hear Look into my heart and. you will see that you'll always be a special part of me. happy valentines day Ozzy xoxo Yogi
Wow... Nice pic there Jamie :D You sure have gotten pretti'er'
heheh <3333
Hiya "ozzy, ozzy, ozzy" great pics!! Glad to have known ya for this long!!
Hiya ozzy hun your grandaughter is to cute omg the one on the top looks like a doll she is gorgeous . love ya hun lol love to beat you to love it
WoooHooooAAA :) I did it Oz Man...I #1 weeeeeheeeeee xX Ash
Hiya Sweetie,
You are such a sweetheart, treating people with the utmost respect. You have wonderful pics on here and are one goodlooking man!!! Wish you all the best in love, life and your games!! Just don't beat me too bad! Keep smiling, it becomes you!
Hugssss and Kisses!!
Rose @};-
Nice looking!!! Rock on my friend!!!
Where r u?????
Nice pictures, nice meeting you, fun games, good looking man!
Cowgurly has good taste :D
Send my love to Britney! heh
ur just to dam good looking sexy man!
*Muaaaaaaaaaah*! <3
whoo hoo my fav pic :)
hey ozzy...hope u had a christmas as great as u r and i hope u have a rockin new year...bella is so adorable ..i know u r a proud grandpa!....luv punkin
merry xmas oz n happy new yr....bella is soooo cute just love that pic...wishin ya the best over the holidays...enjoy!!!!! .....best wishes from Fantasy
Merry Christmas My bestest Santa Oz in the whole wide world XOXOXO I hope you have a fabullous holliday with the kids enjoy love n laugh and ill be thinking of you christmas day ....hope you get that bubbles jersey lol Love to you and yours always ....love your wee yogi XOXOXO
Merry Xmas ozzy hope you have a lovely time with your family. Thanks for all the fun you bring to this site with your daily profiles. You're one in a million, love ya tricky xx
hey Ozzy,,jus wanted to shoot thru an hit a page wit some wuv,,nice playing wit ya crazy self,,lol,,have fun
Hope You Have A Great ThanksGiving Ozzy.Danny Said Hey.Take Care.
hey ozzy, that is sure a beatuiful grand child. Love chatting with ya and u are alot of fun. I am glad that I got to meet ya. Take care man, luv :)
Happy First Birthday! She's beautiful Oz :)
Thanx for sharing your cutie with us ....and your right she can wear anything well lol kisses to ya both papason ....Love from your yogibear xoxo
happy 1st birthday bella!! u r a living doll baby.....i know grandpa is spoiling u rotten..that is how it should be....from grandpa's #2 girl (ur #1 with grandpa) xo punkin
Happy 1st Birthday Baby Bella!!! XXX-OOO
hi sweetie Happy Birthday to you...i hope you have a good one,tell your mommy&grandpa to buy you lots of toys :) and your a little cutie too...from Grandpas friend Angel.
I am sure you are having fun at the concert. I"M ENVIOUS!!!! Can't wait to hear the details and see the pictures.
Hey ozzy have fun and dont do anything i wouldnt do. and dont go trying to get on stage and dance lol. take lots of pics to put on your profile
your a big goober lol make sure you take pics especially if you get bled on llol have a great time n be safe dont make alice put that str8 jacket on youuuuuuuuuuu lol rock on buddy xoxo Trace
Hey Ozzy.. # 1 huh dont let it go to your head. Thanks for being so nice and showing me the ropes.. kisses
love your profile...acdc rocks!!!;)
love your profile..you rock!
dang boy if i knew u was this good looking would of visited eariler lol
Thunder Road is the greatest song ever!!! It is on the jukebox where I eat pizza and we play it and sing at the top of our lungs. Rock on Ozzy!
Ur just to daing sexy! Luv ya!
ty for being a good friend n making me smile when needed
LMAO...if it gets back to us again this year I'll definetly get ur name on it. Oh and I found what you were talking about...it was 1924 and Montreal left it on a corner cuz their car was packed with players and they got a flat andwhen they got to where they were going they realized they left it on the corner for several hours...lol...
awwwwwwww so sweet isabella is proud paw-paw ,,,,,, aka paw-paw tozzie lol
luv ya moody-danny xxxxxxxxxx oooooooooooo
Hi,my dear love you.kiss u n little angel Ýsabella.
0zzzzzzzman hope u doin good..long time no see..been busy with my lady..nice pix..ADORABLE FAMILY!!!!!!!
hiiiiiiiii, thanks for the gb hun . Gorgeous pics, that baby is cuteeee! Love all the pics and u a gr8 guy! tc speak soon mwah!
love linda xxxx
hi ozzy u got a little angel there she is so sweet
hey ozzy..b-e-a utiful baby girl..you must be so proud :) thanx for being you and having such a fun personality!!
Hiya Ozzy.. My sweet ptd pro =P
That baby is absolutly precious!! Give those cheekies extra squeezes for me!!
Your So BEAUTIFUL BELLA Baby Doll !!!! Can't wait to see what your earrings look!!!
what a beautiful baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just thought Id drop by & show some love to my favorite Bosox fan. Did you watch the All-star game last night? Looong, but very exciting. Gooooo AL (CENTRAL) lol <3!
happy belated birth day. been in houston working past 3 months. isabella looks great xo juju
happy late bday hope u enjoyed n had fun!!!!!
Happy Birthday hun!! Hope u have a good day.
Happy b-day! Hope u have a good one!
OMG!! Your little angel granddaughter is soooo gergous!! I love her smile! You are great papa to her! hehe.....your pain in butt sometimes lmao!! you take care!!!

well hi there Ozzy, Remeber me? im sure you do, as you are lucky i promised myself i wouldnt give you a ticket but its very tempting lol anyways thanks for the long time games that we finally played against eachother. Your granddaughter is so cute i love your gallery pics. alright now that im on my good side dont let me catch you doing some thing bad you better make sure you behave yourself and dont get caught by me! lol, take care Ozzy and fun in your games :)
From one little Aussie to another lol..you have a beautiful family and yr grand daughter is just precious..hope to catch you in the games ozzy,but not yaht lol cause you always beat me!!! chow......
What a cute baby!!!!!!!
Nice looking family...
They are all very pretty girls. Its has been nice to meet you and play painted!!! Ludo too lol.
IsaBella, You sure are a Beautiful Baby Doll !!!! Happy 6th month Birthday Baby Girl !!!! Hugs-N- Kisses
OMG!!! I Love You Grandaughter Pic, She Is The Cutie Thing
OMG...what a little cutie ozzy...your grandaughter is precious...enjoy her!
What a beuatiful little granddaughter be proud pappy
0zzmaaaaaan u rawk!!
ozzy, your the most funnest person i have ever met your so awesome i love youuuuuu
hey ozz man......*smiles*.....lmao
john? jacob? jingle? heimer? schmitttttttty? haha me love you long time! my fav. pal on here!!! course i say that too everybody.......anyways enjoy playing and talking to you..you have a FANTAstic personality and make me laugh whenever i see you talking in the lobby lol i understand your humor when sometimes others dont catch on! n i was just joking about the pal thing..you really are my fav.
Wow she was so cute today she getting so big and sweet takes after her mom for sure lmao.......... I see how you babysit lol tozzie lol........ lil granny danny
xo luv you ! juju
Very nice profile ozzy.....pictures are very nice....that baby is beautiful ..ya must be proud...:) Thanks for the games :) so nice meeting you..just wish once I could kick ur butt in a game lol.....tc.... bambyeyes
Hi there ohh we mourn the loss of those who die too young rip Brian. I still remember Keith Moon-no other like you keith and never will there be a drumme as cool.. We have a few things in common I like music was right into photography, love Aussie rules football and poker 2. I have 3 same sex kids but they are boys 27 22 and 13 no grandkids yet
I travelled 1000s of km up the east ooast of Oz with a caravan and the boys. Cool profile nice to know a bit more about you .
hiya ozzyyy!!! omg your granddaughter is soooo beatuiful!!! you are great and nice ummm of course you are funny person! keep it up hehehe. You take care....

OMG! Wanna fight? lol
My sox are staying white, tyvm ;) I do think Papi would look really good in black & white tho, what do you think?
Hey OZZY just thought I would drop bye and show ya some love. and let you know for once I am not sleeping lmao. Hope you have a good day
Omg ozzy she is a doll so cute
omg!! this grandbaby of yours is soooooo adorable!! keep spoiling ozzy!! xoxoxo tc!
ozzy your slipping you got axel roses bday, but alice coopers was feb 4h. shame on you!! its hard to remember after all those tours huh?! haha love ya!!
Hey Ozzy, will you please recall this snow back to Canada! I don't want it anymore... ;) You can have the freezing rain also. Now, really, I just wanted to say Hey and Thanks for always being such a sweetheart! You are the BESTEST! ;)

Thanx Dude LOL But My Team Is The Patriots I Was Raised And Born In Mass :) You Have A Nice Family The Baby Is Cute...Oh BTW Im WildCrayons Hubbie Lmao
heyyyyyy Ozzyyyy wow the little angel is getting so big.....and cute ( takes after pa-pa oz) just wanted tell ya u put a smile on my face everyday ur so funny.... you sexxy man ............ xxxx oooo lub u moody
Hey ozzyyyyyyyy I think your a really kool guy!! Hey I see ya got your grandbaby started early with the # Patriots shirt on !!!! W2G! juls xxxx
awwwww she is so cute thanx for being a fun person to play games with keep up the good sense of humor hun.
huggerz veronica
Hi ozzie...you have a great looking family. That little angel is just adorable. You're not too far from us...go sabres...lol...DoeZ
Just wanted 2 stop n say hello hun. Ur grandbaby is very adorable hun!!!
very cute baby you are holding enjoy them....because one day they are tiny the next they are growed up and on their on....lol learned long time ago behind every good man is a good women pushing him ;) so step by step day by day is all you really need.good luck red.
mmmmmmmmm told u ur a sexy man .............. moodygranny
Howdy OZZMAN!!!! Have a great New Year!! Looking forward to some kick ass games with ya!! xo Synbad
hey ozzy..i got to hand it to u ..just when things get tense u come up with something that either makes me think.or makes me laugh..ur an ok guy..mauhs amanda
Hey Mr Osbourne happy holidays to you and your family :) Hope santa was good to you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year hope 2008 is a better year for you than 2007 was ...... lub you pa pa oz......... xxoo lil dilly danny
Hey Ozzy....Merry Christmas hun to you and yours!!!
I was missing everyone so I had to come back and say hey.
Love ya,
Well good morning, Mr. OZZ!!! Guess what?!?!?! I have now beaten First, Third, and Fifteenth place!!!! So don't feel bad about getting your butt kicked by me. hee hee Looking forward to a rematch. Let me know when you are ready!!! xxoo
hallo ozzy sei simpatico ok ciaooooooo..kisss :-)
hi ozzy i love playing with u always good for a laugh , merry xmas cant wait 2 play again. go buckeyes lol
Hope you and yours have A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Look forward to kicking your butt several more times!!
Good luck in all your games--except mine--LMAO!!

xoxo Syn (The baddest In Reno)
so how old do i look then?;) and careful how you answer:)) So Canucks rule eh!!! Cheers, Ang
ty ozzy.. you are a gentleman.. 48 years ? lol
ur soooooo funny! love ya
Hi ozzy, yes im 52 years old lol, if you want can ckeck in february 5... this day i got 53 lol

Can i ask why?, you think im younger lol no im older..

Hug :)
omg Ozzy where did you hide that camera man??? Hopefully not somewhere it should not be lmao j/k hun. How you liking being a grandpa, have her spoiled yet lol

Mon cher Jaime!!

You are and will be, always, my virtual husband...lollll

Vous êtes une personne très spéciale! Je vous adore! Baisers
Ozzy congr on your little grandbaby Wtg!! PoP Pa!!!! Cheers!! With a Jeager Bomb!! Vickie
heyyy hunni,congr...your grand doughter i kiss to Isabella ;)
ozzy im pryaing for your daughter and again congrats on the new grandbaby!!! love ya loads---your fellow rocker--ozzette!
Ozzy, what a beautiful granddaughter you have, so precious! Your daughters are very lovely.
Very nice profile you've got here and such an adorable grandbaby, conrats grandpa!! x0x0x0x0x0
congrads to you grandpa and lisa too. shes a beautifull baby . love and kisses juju xo
wtgggggg, hunni! you sure got a beaut grand daughter! xxxxx :)
hey ozzyyyyyyyyy u rock! love ash
hey ozzy grand daughter is adorable
Hey Congrats on the grandbaby, she is soo cute, must not get the looks from you lmao j/k hun seriously she is a doll. Have fun spoiling her lol
hey ozzy she is so pretty congrats hun there is a love 4 kids but there is a special love 4 grandchildren enjoy them
Hi ozzy!! congrats on grandbaby! Just wanted to thank you for being what I would call a friend, you have always been nice to me, called me down when it was needed, and showed your support too. So, thanks for all you do!! xoxoxo Angelwnheart
hey ozzy just wanted 2 drop a line and say that u r one of my best friends iin ob :)
congrats on being a grandad ozzy.
congradssssss on being a grandpa it will be a wonderful part of your life........... lub the ozzy xxxxxxxx ooooooooo moodygranny
hi there ozzy, youve done well if you raised 2 daughters and lived to tell about it lol, congrats on new grandaughter, your fun to play with even though i seldom beat you, but its ok your a fellow canadian see you in painted.
Congrats Ozzy on your new granddaughter!!!
Who Luvs Ya Baby??
I do
wtg ozzy well done good 2 c one of us won very well done
wd man u cool keep going
Hey Ozzzzyyyy ya know I luv ya like crazy, youre the BEST! hmmm hey u r crazyyyy...
Keep ridin sweetie I love it!
Hello there fellow ozzy fan!!! I truly enjoy playing painted yahtzee with you. No matter what my mood, I always end up smiling. Keep up the questions and I am always up for the game... *smiles*
my dear ozzyyyyyy(K)(K)luvv yaaaaaaa
hey Ozzyyyyyyyyy... Thanks for always making me laugh. You're a sweetie! Oh, by the way! You owe me a few games of yahtzee. Take care, Lots of hugs to ya.. Chel
Hey there sexy! Save me a game! Did I tell you that you were adoriable today? OOPS! I just did! :) Love ya!
to my best friend who makes me laugh
you re one in a million ty for the smiles
congrad on the win we are proud of you
friends forever
loves ya'
Hey Ozzy, just wanted to say Thanks for always being such a sweetheart. I enjoy playing with you. You always make me laugh! Congrats on winning the OB WORLD CUP, you are a true champion in my eyes! Take care and see in the OB world.

Sandy ;)
Ozzy....u are one of my favorite people on OB!! You are always so cheerful and make me laugh so hard, even though I wanna smack ya sometimes ;) hehe I love ya hun, ty for the endless smiles :)
Well ozzy congratulations on your BIG win and to being a Grandpa!! Woooohoooo! Chalk 2 up for the ozzman! So now should we all call you "The Great and Powerful Ozz?"? (doh)! ;-)
WTG Ozzy, Glad you made it to the top Honors ..........Now you can brag!! Congrats are in order all around....Enjoy
yo yo!! ozman cometh to the world cup and conquered all!! you would have won anyway anyone who can bite off a dove and bats head, and pee on the alamo can pretty much do anything he wants!!! love ya groovy rocker!!!!! remember follow the yellow brick road!! xoxoxoxo dena k
way 2 go :-) U da man
Hey ozzy --
WTG on winning at the World Cup. It was really fun watching all of you that were playing!

You are a great guy and I'm glad you're my friend!

dear ozzy,wtg congrats.... ;)
Oz ~ Oz ~ He's Our Man, If He Can't Do It ~ No One Can !!!! Way To Go On Your # 1 Big Win !!!!
wtg hun! i knew when i indroduced you to ptd yahtzee at games.com 3 yrs ago someday you be world champ lol. well done xo love always juju
Congrats on the big win there Oz man!
wtg ozzy on your win the wc ptd cup, you rock :))