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Username:shazbo, 69 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Backgammon - played 9234 times
My homepage:www.facebook.com/bigfishshazbo

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Loser against Dr.NoahDrakeFan
Loser against genaro
Winner against vonnie30
Loser against vonnie30
Loser against vonnie30
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Loser against onerollwonder
Loser against professor
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Game Won / Lost Best score
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Backgammon4627 / 450144
Painted Yatzy990 / 889617
Ludo716 / 7000

Profile for shazbo


Joke: On the highway to detroit a truckie breaks down. A blonde stops to see if she can help. He assures her that help is on the way but asks her for 1 favour. In the truck are 2 chimps and the truckie asks the blonde will she take them to the detroit zoo as he is concerned they will get stressed. She happily agrees and he gives her 100 bucks for her trouble.
When finally the truckie gets into detroit he sees people pointing and laughing and looks ahead to see the blonde with the 2 chimps holding her hands. He parks and then runs up to her saying what are you doing you were supposed to go to the zoo? She replies well we did that and I had some money left so we're going to seaworld. lol

I'm a true blue Aussie girl-5th generation and proud of it. I have 3 boys aged 28.23 and 14.
I am now happily single with only 1 boy left at home.

I have some lovely friends on OB. Some I have met in person and some I will meet in the future. Some are real soul sisters and brothers. Like family almost. You my dear ob mates are the bomb and I love you sooooo much. mwahhhs

Thank you for your acceptance and love and God bless you all.

Townsville is the largest city on the north east coast of Oz and that is where I live .It's more like a very big country town to me as I grew up in Melbourne-the 2nd biggest city in Oz.

I live a quiet and fairly uncomplicated life and that is how I like it.
My goal is to be at peace with myself and those I come in contact with. If you ever need a friend I'm here.
Thankyou for reading this. Take care and I look forward to getting to know you all better.
Don't be shy in saying hi to me and introducing youself. There are no strangers in life. Just friends we haven't met yet.

Love Ya - Shazx (Sharon)

Hi my lovely...
Thank you so much for our lovely engagement card.. it was lovely to wake up to a special card from a very pecial peron.. u mean the world to me and shaun. we both love you so much. big cuddle from barris.
love you lodas