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Username:canadagirl13, 32 years
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I play mostly:Painted Yatzy - played 12326 times
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Painted Yatzy6379 / 5820607
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Ludo3230 / 34840

Profile for canadagirl13


Unfortanly i'm not on here much as I would like to be, I try to be but it's just not possible for me anymore, I guess thats what happens when you hit adult-hood it comes with a crap load of responsiblites thank GOD coffee exists LOL

Well if you see me around one of these days, don't be shy to ask for a game or 2, i'm rusty in alot of them but all in fun. Until then, take care and enjoy yourself, life is too short otherwise (1)

If you absolutely cant stay positive, dont go negative, just cruise neutral for a while until you can get back up! (102)
hiya daisy how about those habs !
You pretty, witty one <3
We always manage to laugh and make each other smile no matter what is going on. We are always there for each other. We can just look at each other and know immediately know what the other person is thinking. That's why we are besties for life.
Just wanted to let you know that I am so glad we are best friends. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I can't put into words how much our frienship means to me. Love to the moon and back.
ooohhh Canada
hi daisy my friend you as so nice .... be strong woman and live as if its teh last thing you do!!! your jellybear <3
your such a beautiful girl and such a nice girl to everyone.
Hello Beautiful! Hope 2018 is good to you my favorite dollop of Daisy! XOXO
Welcome back beautiful!! Glad to see you :) xxxooo
My dear friend, how many missed you! Adore you saw!
Hey Canda I don't know if you remember me but its Leanna from along time ago. How are you doing?
nice to meet u:)
daisyyy your a really good friend and i am glad we are friends i hope u post something on mine
im glad we r really good friends i will never have a good friend like u and i hope it stays that way im so lucky that were friends i know we r to far away but that dont mean nothing and i wanted to say thank so much for everything that u have done for me and i wanted u to know that i love u xoxoxoxoxo :)
just wanted to drop by and say it was great talking to you and getting to play with you the other day!!! good luck with everything you do and ill see you around !!!!! btw by far 1 of the nicest bandits ever :D
i am so glad , i found you in here hun , you are a very funny , but esp warm person .... big hug hun
skittlez sista nice profile !!! you are thebestest ever stay sweet =)
did u know sth? ,u suck at chitris! LOL
Heeeey Daisyness lol anyway merry christmas (late) happy birthday(late) lol and Happy New year your a college kid now right? love being your friend <3 ashhhhh
hey daisy yo girl wats upp girl whats crackalakin haha
P.S my monsters!!!! haha sorry just had to say that i love monsters!<3
Hey Daisy i love your profile!! its so pretty and your gorgeous!(: <3 love ashy
go bruinssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!! habs will be golfing come tomorrow daisy duke xo rock on girl. ps i cant wait till you move outta quebec and then youll be a real canada girllllllllll woo hooo xo oz
wow pretty page and your a very nice person and i am glad to know you... lol thanks for making "drago" orange i loved orange soda growing up ... have a great summer daisy
Hey Beautiful!!! :) Hope you have a fantastic day!!!! Rebeca says hello!! :)
hi canada hun just stopped by to say hello and to tell you that am glad we are friends...love ya lots xxx
Canada ehhhh! Merry Christmas chickie.. hope 2011 brings you tons of happiness and prosperity. Have a fun and safe holiday!!
merry xmas, your a great person and a great friend, all the best
Merry Christmas Daisy love and best wishes...love yas xox
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Love ya!!
Daisy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2011 soon you will be a senior oh boy i bet you can't wait you are really awesome Love you girlie

Love Ashlyn
You are one of the sweetest people in here girl!!! Never know what is going to happen when the Daisy is on lol I love ya to pieces!!! Thanks for listing me as a good friend!!! Your definately one of mine too!!!
Daisy means..sweet, caring, funny, lovable, awesome, best friend, wonderful, crazy and much more....love yas xox
Awesome profile girl! WOW. You're a ray of sunshine. <3
Love the song lil chicky....Your like a perfect smile on a prefect day! God bless ya hun
Love you!
like the pic girl its really really cute justing stoping by to show som love thats all
that is just too cute
Very beautiful profile Canada eh .. what an awesome job!! Thanks for being such an awesome friend here.. nice to share the OB experience with a fellow Canuck. <3
ty Dear Canada for having me between your friends.. Im very thankful for this.

I saw you grow here in Ob site, and i can say that you have become in a very nice person and a very pretty woman.

I wish for you the best things come to your life and reach all your dreams... But the best of all is that you find in your way: the HAPPINESS wich should come to you.. if you make the rigth things.. sometimes is dificult because you need have a big will.

I can say too.. anything you need.. im here!

Hug and Kiss

Eliz@beth (aka Eli)
awwww how sweet ...ur 1 awesome young lady and I admire you ....may god bless and be with you no matter what hurts you nor no matter how life treats you...but you will always be a very pretty young lady to me...

ur friend Cajun....
Hi Canada i think you are so coll if you were at my school we would be the best of friends. I think you are awsome and dont change no matter what Ashlyn
Love ya Daisy ur the bestest friend any1 could have...we had alot of chats n got 2 know eachother more over the months....glad ur my friend n love yas xoxoxoxox
skittles sista cute pic and as long as trucks deliver you will always have skittles ... love ya lots ... the dragos
Hey girl!!! Your awesome and I love the new profile pic!!!! :) Love ya girl!! We'll always be good friends and I'm so glad we met!!
hey daisy glad we met n r friends..ur fun 2 talk 2 and always make me laugh even when i dont feel like it...ur the best even for a child ...love yas !!!!!!
hey canada gal. how you like those 2 gold medals in hockey and since brodeur and fleury from quebec we gonna let you all celebrate with the rest of canada on them rock on daisey duke
Nice pics! You're sweet! Take care!
Hi ya hunxoxoxo You are quite an amazing , deep young girl stay as you are no matter what!! I wish all of your hopes and dreams come through for you ....Luvs ya, Dee (aquarius05483):)
That was very awesome words!!! You couldn't had said it better!!! Your such a beautiful persin inside and out!!! I'm soooo glad I can say that your one of my friends...not only a friend but a best friend!!! Your like a sister to me!!! We have been through thick and thin it seems like but we always come back and realize whats more important!!!! I love you!!! Stay strong!!! I'm always here for you!!! :) Love ya!
Hey sweetie, it has been a pure joy watching you change right in front of all of our eyes. Be good ,, be strong and always be wise.. Muahs
Very profound & insightful for such a young heart. The world needs lots more people like you! Hang in there you've only just begun. :)

Hey! Just thought I'd come by and say hello!! And hope you have the best Year to come! :) You are such a sweet and beautiful person I've ever met. You are definately one of my FAVS on here. :) Your just one of a kind. It's amazing how much we have in common!!! It's AWESOME!! :) Love ya chick!!! Rebeca says hey!!
Hey don't forget to say something on my profile!! :) Weeeeeee
Merry Christmas and a Happy new years!!! Love ya girl!! :)
Hey girl have a Merry Chrisymas and a Great New Year
~Hey hun..Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!! xoxo~Sommer
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Happy HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! :O)
lol your so random but w.e happy holidays and good luck oldy jk like you said age is just a numeber lol :)
Have a great night and day tomorrow!! Love ya girl! :)
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! You neve r talk about me!! I must be OLD NEWS!! HAHAHAHAH JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey girl!!! Best friends forever!! :) I love you girl!!!
Your one of my Besties! wuvs u daisy!
I like the Profile!! Everything you said was sooo true!!
Love the profile! :) I love you girlie! :)
Awww! That is sooo sweet what you said about me. And I think the same about you. You are an awesome person and very understanding. I'm so glad we have become really great friends! Always remember to follow your dreams and be you. Don't change for anyone. Your the type of friend that anyone would love to have and I'm glad I have you as a friend. :) My profile sums it up about you. I can't say anything else I haven't already said. You have been through alot and I'm just glad I've always been here to help! :) Your awesome, we are awesome!! And OB yeah its cool.....its great!! :) I;m so glad I have a retarded friend that acts like me!!! we can act that way and not care!! :) Your absolutely right! :)